This week I want to talk about networking a little bit. Networking is going to be the biggest thing that we do all this year.
Get Back to the Basics: Plan to Succeed in 2023
January 9, 2023
Video Transcription: Brian Hunton
Here we are. First Monday of the New year. Official work. Monday of the New Year, I should say, because last Monday was the federal holiday. And I have some thoughts and some things I want to do moving forward in 2023 for everybody. Because what I’m noticing and what I’ve been feeling is we’ve been in the recession, we’ve been through the pandemic, we’ve been through a lot of tough times in the last few years, and especially as salespeople, especially commission based salespeople, it’s it’s nonstop.
And we’re under a constant barrage of information. And one of the things that I think is really important to business is your mindset. But I feel like it’s almost become too cliche. There’s too much of get a mindset coach. It’s all about how you think. Read this motivational thing and get all jacked up and motivated about that stuff.
And that’s all well and good. But here, here is the God’s honest truth. If you think that you’re just going to have a great mindset and a positive attitude and that’s what’s going to get you through 2023 and that’s what’s going to keep you in your business. 2024, you’re missing some very key and integral steps. So what I want to do is kind of give you some actionable advice and like real life stuff and be thinking about this or whatever industry you’re in right now.
Get back to the basics. We have been talking about this now, number one, the past is just that. The past is history. Don’t worry about. Well, last year was the year before was worry about what you’re going to do right now. And what you’re going to do right now is do the things that made you successful in the first place, get back to those basics.
Think about where you could be innovative. Think about where you could be more efficient. But bottom line, do the things that got you where you are already and be extremely disciplined about it. So I’m going to keep trying to bring some advice out for for the rest of my my my sales family and give actionable information that you can work on over the course of this year.
But that’s number one. Action activity equals results. Take action and be disciplined about it and be very consistent with it. That’s it. Back to basics and all the people that don’t have that discipline, when they wash out of the business, you’re going to have their market share and that’s what you’re going to do. You’re not don’t worry about ARM to think about being great this year, actually be great.
So that’s my advice. That’s my $0.02 for today. And anybody that needs any help wants to talk to me more about it. I’m available anytime. Have a great day.
Brian Hunton VP of Business Development, NMLS ID 30967
“Hiring and Training for Successful Careers.”